
What Are the Different Types of Home Care Services?

home care services

Home care services are the giving of assistance, either by direct physical aid or by trained medical personnel, to the patients who need specialized medical or other care for themselves. Usually home care is offered in group homes, nursing homes or clinics, rather than care given in single patient institutions such as nursing homes or mental hospitals. Home care is a type of care that provides the patients with personalized assistance based on their specific needs, in their home environment. It differs from custodial care in that care is given under the supervision of a licensed medical person or agency and the service provider considers providing care in accordance with the individuals’ specific preferences.

What Are the Different Types of Home Care Services?

Providing care in the home environment reduces the need for a large number of staff including licensed nurses, therapists and other caregivers. The home care services provide more personalized assistance to the patients in less expensive and less costly means, while providing greater socialization. The objective of home care services is to provide an improved quality of life for the people who require specialized assistance and who live alone or in groups in settings that are more supportive and less expensive than a hospital or other inpatient care setting. Most people prefer residential home care services because the environment is less expensive and the services more private and less institutional.


Seniors home care services include companionship, home care assistance, personal care, respite care, home health maintenance, adult day care and many others. It should be noted that seniors home care services vary from state to state, so it is best to check with your local Medicare or Medicaid office to determine what services you need in order to qualify for home health aide reimbursement. Another thing to keep in mind is that in most cases home care services provided by licensed professionals with experience treating and managing senior citizens are much more expensive than in-house nursing home care, which may be provided by trained individuals under the supervision of a licensed nurse. Thus, you can choose one of these options or a combination if you have the money available.

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