
Seafood Joints – Vegetarian Friendly

Fresh Fish Singapore is an extremely popular restaurant in Singapore consisting of fresh seafood from all over Asia. The popularity of this place is mostly because of the fresh seafood you are able to find here. These restaurants usually have different recipes and the presentation of their food is also quite good. Some of these restaurants also serve alcohol and they usually have a bar at one end of the restaurant. Click here to get more useful information.

How To Learn Seafood Joints – Vegetarian Friendly

The restaurant that serves this dish is called Stainless Steel Restaurant and is located at Bugis Street. This restaurant is actually owned by two guys called Lim Yean and Wee Yean who own the whole lot of restaurants here including the famous and very popular violin shop Singplay. This violin shop is located at the top of Bugis Street and is one of the oldest continuously running eateries in Singapore, aside from Bugis Street Market, which is just across the road from Stainless Steel Restaurant. Here you will find delicious sea food along with some of the most authentic Singaporean dishes and drinks.

Vegetarian Seafood Detox is another restaurant that serves seafood and vegetarian friendly delicacies. This restaurant is located on the ground floor of an old wholesale building which used to belong to Oh Lik Ay (front sight) Importers. Here you will find a variety of seafood as well as other vegetarian options. This restaurant is also good if you are looking for a Chinese takeaway restaurant in Singapore as the menu consists of mainly Chinese food.

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