
Cool Flags

There’s a tendency to think of national flags as boring rectangles with stripes, stars and maybe some esoteric crest that only matter to people who binge-watch Sheldon Cooper. But Vexillophiles (flag enthusiasts) know better. A good national flag is more than just a symbol to flutter in the wind — it’s a window into a nation’s history and identity. And it’s a chance for designers to tell stories, express hopes and show off their artistic prowess. Source :

Cool Flags from Around the World: A Visual Journey

Of course, there are some rules when it comes to designing a flag. Some of the most important are that it must be recognizable from a distance (this is known as the “rule of three”), contain only two to four basic colors and have no lettering or seals. Then there are other rules based on heraldic tradition. These include no metal on metal, no smalt on smalt and no pale color next to another pale one. But these are only guidelines. Many flags break them and still manage to delight and inspire.

For example, Papua New Guinea’s flag is both authoritative and festive, with its combination of red, white, black and the Raggiana bird-of-paradise. But it also features a diagonal division, something that’s only found on a few other national flags, and an ode to the country’s leather subculture with its yellow, black, and red colors that stand for leather, blood passion and rubber fantasies.

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