Real Estate

Prestige City Plot

In Prestige City Plot you play as Prestige, a veteran investigator. The story is set in the year 2021 and places you in the shoes of Detective Harry Cox, who is called to a small rural community on the Eastern seaboard of the United States after a string of brutal murders. From there you are charged with finding out who committed the crimes, something that may prove to be quite impossible considering the fact that the perpetrator is thought to have died many years before. You are also tasked with finding out why the townspeople are protecting this person who is thought to be a monster. This game can be for everyone, regardless of their age and their level of experience with playing computer games.

Savvy|smart|sexy People Do Prestige City Plot

While playing Prestige City Plot, you are also given a little taste of what life as a private eye is like, with the twist that your every decision will have an impact on the outcome of the case that you are handling. The game is made up of a number of episodes that you are required to complete. In each episode you will be presented with new challenges and decisions and will find yourself trying to weigh between your ethical choices and your financial ones.

Playing this game will not only help you get a feel for how an investigation works but also sharpen your investigative skills as well. When playing Prestige City Plot you are also allowed to branch out into other areas such as personal injury and corporate fraud. In addition to this, you are also given the opportunity to choose your character’s outfit, as well as the types of weapons that they can use. The story line in the game deals with several different themes that range from high tech gizmos to family disputes.

Real Estate

Torrance Apartments For Rent

If you are in search of a new and more affordable place to live, you should definitely consider Torrance California Apartments for Rent. This area is ideal for those who love the outdoors, as it offers a wide variety of activities for everyone, regardless if they are families or singles. You’ll also find that Torrance is close enough to major cities like Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Inglewood to offer you shopping, movie theaters, and other entertainment options. The area also offers great food, as Torrance is home to many top restaurants, cafes, and fine dining. As such, you can always find a great place to eat with your family and friends, even if you aren’t the best cook in the area.

Torrance Apartments for rent

Torrance Apartments For Rent

If you are in search of a new and more affordable place to live, you should definitely consider Torrance California Apartments for Rent. This area is ideal for those who love the outdoors, as it offers a wide variety of activities for everyone, regardless if they are families or singles. You’ll also find that Torrance is close enough to major cities like Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Inglewood to offer you shopping, movie theaters, and other entertainment options. The area also offers great food, as Torrance is home to many top restaurants, cafes, and fine dining. As such, you can always find a great place to eat with your family and friends, even if you aren’t the best cook in the area.


With so many benefits, there are plenty of reasons to consider living in Torrance with your significant other, children, or just for yourself. In addition to all of the benefits listed above, you will find that you’re just a short drive to all of the fun and exciting attractions in Los Angeles, which makes it easy to spend all of your free time here. In addition to the many fine attractions, there are also many parks in this area, such as Sea World, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and Torrance State Reserve. If you are the outdoorsy type, you may even be able to find a good discount on a boat tour.


Finding an apartment in Torrance is very easy. The area is filled with rich people, and many of the rich people have found homes to rent in the area already, which makes finding a new apartment quite easy. You should look online, or even at your local realtor to see if they have any listings of apartments that they are currently selling. Once you have seen a listing, you will be able to view all of the homes that are currently available, so you can make an informed decision regarding your future residence. With the high quality of life that you can enjoy in this unique area, it’s no wonder that many people choose to live here.